Table of Contents
What we're facing
100多年来,高油耗汽车和卡车一直是美国人生活的一部分,而我们也为此付出了代价. 交通运输现在是空气污染相关死亡和疾病的主要原因, 最近成为美国全球变暖的头号污染源.
Fortunately, change is afoot. 联邦标准提高了汽车和卡车的能效. Electric vehicles are becoming more widespread. 新的出行选择和技术,如叫车和自动驾驶汽车,可能会重新定义我们的出行方式.
但进展并不能保证,我们的时间不多了. 最好的617888九五至尊娱乐617888九五至尊娱乐表明,我们必须在本世纪中叶之前大幅清理交通部门. In that time, we must transition away from oil, while deploying new technologies that cut pollution, ensure equitable access, and support our climate goals.
我们现在做出的选择将伴随我们几代人. You can help.
Get involved
Transforming Transportation
What you can do:
Buy clean vehicles
If you’re able, 把你现有的汽车或卡车换成更省油的东西, or buy an electric vehicle. Seventy-five percent 越来越多的人生活在电动汽车比50英里/加仑的汽油车更清洁的地方.
Choose clean options (when you can)
For many people, carpooling, biking, walking, 公共交通是驾车的好选择. 减少你飞行的里程数可以有很长的路要走:从纽约到加利福尼亚的往返航班是 equivalent to roughly 2.5 months of driving.
Support clean transportation policies
Local, state, 联邦政策制定者一直在围绕交通做出决策,他们需要听取你的意见. Make your voice heard; write and call your elected officials, participate in local meetings, and, above all, vote.
“当华盛顿的立法者和他们的517888九五至尊娱乐人员想要坚实的, 617888九五至尊娱乐分析鼓励清洁车辆的政策, 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟是我们最先求助的地方之一."